Jul 29, 2010

A Vegetarian??? Really!!!! Hmmm....

Before I start, I would like to make it clear that these are my own opinions... and I am entitled to those.

Even though I am a pure non vegetarian, this debate is worth giving a thought to... Well, let me start by asking a simple question: how do u define vegetarianism??? R these the people who only consume vegetables? Or as is commonly believed - who dont kill "living organisms". I do agree with the first statement but I condemn the second one... whats the difference u ask? Well science has proved that trees have life and are as capable of feelings as us....

Recently there was a campaign by PETA to convert the world to vegetarian... Its funny how these activists cannot see beyond a certain point. Well, let me say that I was disgusted when I read it.

Whatever we say, its a proven fact that humans are sitting steady at the top of the food chain with their compatriots - the lions, the tigers, the sharks etc. This is a scientific proven fact.

As far as religious teachings are concerned, I dont believe for one that any religion professes not killing for eating. If that were the case, those people would be extinct within days.

I am not saying eating vegetables is not allowed, but there should be a balance here. There are some nutrients that can be obtained from plants, the other from animals. Our diet should contain a healthy mixture of both. Ha Ha...

This is where I enter into the realm of hard core science.

Say for example the: Jains" believe in not killing any organisms - really?
Then please stop eating plants - they have life.
Seeds - for they give rise to life.
Fruits - for they are the source of life.
Milk for it sustains life of another.
Water - for it contains zillions of organisms that die when u consume it.

And the list is endless...

So am I being ironic? No. I also do not want to question any ones beliefs or convictions but thats a fact.

Vegetarian people are those who survive on plants - acceptable. But aren’t the the same as the non vegetarians then?

Both plants and animals have life. On the contrary, one plate of chicken masala has 1 bird. How many seeds do you consume in one spoon full of rice? About 30 -40 odd. Isn’t it? So how many organisms die in one plate of rice?

We eat fruits. Fine. They are tasty and nutritious. Its good for your health. But this is a chilling thought that fruits are equivalent to expecting mothers. The seed is nestled in the center for protection and nourishment; isn’t that the exact function of a mother's womb? This thought goes especially for those who say we non vegetarians r harming the environment by killing animals.

Guys give it a thought. Theres no difference whatever you eat. You are gonna kill something or the other in the process.

So get your thinking hats on. Stop saying "We are veg and we dont kill animals for food", because its not true - maybe funny - to say the least.

I would like to end this with the thought that at least I have made some1 think with this thought. Logic is the key. Believe science but never be so obsessive that you forget that science is based on assumptions and can be wrong!!!


Unknown said...

U know very well how much I wud luv to disagree with u on this, nimz. hehe. :P
Im a Vegan ! Proud to be so. :P
Bt still.. ;)
Well argued..
very articulate ! haha :P

Unknown said...

lol..actualy got me thinking..m a vegan n happy bout it..buh a fruit being a mothers true..kooll..