Nov 15, 2010

Torrential Rains

Torrential Rains, on a hot sweaty night,
With the aroma of wet soil… rousing my senses

I walk down the road,
Thoughts clouding my head…
Wondering whats up with life… whats wrong with me…
Don’t know why I can’t think straight… am I alive or dead?

I keep walking… and wondering…
Why the trees are green…
In my drenched state… thinking why lifes lost its sheen
Its like muddy water, befouled by foreign objects
How I wish to clear it… to simplify… to be plain

Its still pouring heavily,
My thoughts… not the rains…
Thunder and lightning…
As if showing a path… which I otherwise would not see…
I tow in its wake… keep walking… without noticing those around me

I slide and fall… get beaten and bruised… bleed from my foot…
My blood leaves its mark… telling where I went.
Ravenous, would the beasts be after me…
Though I am strong enough…
The future as I know it…
I am not sure where it got blown with the howling wind…