Aug 7, 2011


The path of light… is not meant for all…
Some … as we all know… cant perceive it at all…
Dark are their days… and their nights… darker still…
They dwell in the depths… of despair and ills…
Food, clothing, shelter and quilt… evade them… 
against their wills..
Sickness and sorrow… are all they can borrow…
It’s as if life stood still….

Hope we give… to them… who are lost… who’ve grown apart…
To teach, to grow… to make or break…
Make them stand on their feet… and their shackles shake!

Hope we bring to those who need… to those who fight…
To prove their worth… to show their growth!!!
Leave the bottle and the butt…
With the will to live… a will to survive…. Beyond sight…

A single point… for dreams to share…
A moot point… for sorrows and despair…
To break all bonds, to mend their life,
To leave behind stress and strife!!!!

It’s ours…
“We” as a team… as a people strive
For our goals are one… are yours and mine…
You give… and you get… rewards and points …
With words… we partake… 
Our hearts are true… and sincere… and in hope we aspire…
To make … to create…
To truly make appear, a castle in the air
For those whose need be!

So take a step to your goal…
Raise your head… and begin to scroll…
What lies ahead is a quest to hope…
With us, with you… and your dreams in tow,
Open your eyes… were you asleep still…
For we bring you… a field to till…
Seed your goals, with love and gifts…
Reap your dreams… with us, it sits!!!

 A path to light, this is your way…
Sorrows and despair and pain… at bay…
You are not alone… not ever more…
Hope we give you… and in hope make…
A good life… a new life… lest we sway….

Aug 6, 2011

Friendship Day Dedication

Friendship Day is here... it'll come and go... and people will remember that they have friends.

If you really want to honor the spirit of this day, take an oath at 12 am ... that... whenever a friend needs, you'll be there... without reproach... without regrets .. without a second thought.... atleast in spirit... because you never know... even a word might make a big difference in your life... and a knowing blink can have the capacity to save a life.

I dedicate this year to 3 such friends... who were there for me... You know who you are... and you know you are treasured beyond words... and beyond life...

For the rest of my friends, whenever you need me, ask... without thinking or even blinking... ;) and you'll have more friends at your disposal than you'll ever need... but learn to take the first step!!!!!